Guwayu is a 360 documentary directed by Helen Newman that takes the viewer into the childhood stories of Indigenous Wiradjuri elder Aunty Nancy growing up in a world still rooted in traditional lifestyle and ancient storytelling. Produced in 360 stereoscopic, the film creates an ever changing canvas for the viewer to explore. It shifts to accompany Aunty Nancy’s words as she recalls her tin hut home by the river, the hunting and gathering of traditional foods, Corroborees, encounters with the Kadachi man and the endless nights by the camp re listening to night sky fables by the Elders.

- currently in production

Aunty Nancy interview for Guwayu - Manifeasto Photography

Aunty Nancy interview for Guwayu - Manifeasto Photography

Rig in fog

Rig in fog

trio in fog.jpg
Aunty Nancy and Fred

Aunty Nancy and Fred

Bark canoe

Bark canoe